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Rabid Whole, The - interview (2009)
2009-04-18 | Katarzyna NINa Górnisiewicz and Marco Gariboldi | e-mail interview
NINa: The band name sounds interesting. Where does it come from?

George Radutu: It is something that our fearless leader (Andreas) came up with. To understand what goes on in his head is like trying to catch a train while it's still moving fairly quickly. Originally, the name of the band was "Autraumaton" (which is now the name of the album).

Marco: You're a multiethnic band, Where are your origins? Do your origins influence your song-writing?

George: Andreas has got some German/Italian blood. Sheenah is a Chirish hybrid (Chinese/Irish). I'm about 88% Romanian, and Alex is #FFFFFF in HTML colour coding. Our origins have almost nothing to do with the song-writing, and a whole lot more with our upbringing... sort of.

NINa: You are signed to Synthetic Entertainment. Denyss McKnight from Left Spine Down who runs the business wrote me he had a lot of faith to your band. How much is it important to be in a label where they understand your goals and tend to help you make them happen?

Alex Ready: We are very fortunate to have the support of Synthetic and Denyss. When you have a label and manager that really believe in the success of the band it helps boost our confidence level and makes us want to work harder to perfect our craft.

NINa: You'll have several shows incoming this year. What do you know about your fans? What age are they? Are the fans more Canadians/Americans or do you have die hard fans in Europe as well?

George: So far we've seen fans from 15 years old, to 30+ years old. More so Canadians from what we've seen, some are American. We haven't heard too much from overseas, but if there are fans, we'd like to hear from them! Myspace.com and Vampirefreaks.com are great ways to get in touch with our fans. We also got a Facebook group happening as well.

Marco: I've read on your website that James McKenzie is no longer a band member, due to health issues. How is he? Do we have any chance to see him come back, or his replacement final? Will he take part in the song-writing of your next songs?

George: James is doing great! He's a great guy, and has been a significant staple in The Rabid Whole. Mentally, he just couldn't do it anymore. Alex Ready is his permanent replacement on drums. However, something tells us that James will be contributing to the band in other ways...

NINa: From your Myspace profile: "TRW plan to release a newly mixed version [of Autraumaton album] in March 2009 with the help of Shaun Thingvold (Skinny Puppy/Strapping Young Lad/k-os), with distribution set for Canada and the USA." No distribution in Europe?

George: Not right now anyway... But we would love to have our Euro fans get their mitts on our music. For now, iTunes will have to do.

NINa: "Selfish Nature" is the song I found the most catchy amongst the 6 posted on your Myspace. What songs are you personally the most proud of?

Alex: "Faith in Yesterday" is probably my favourite, that or "Distant Blue Skies".

George: "My Love, My Blood" is my most favourite on the CD. I always feel like I'm in some epic space scenery that you would see in the Hubble Space Telescope. The song has such a wonderful, heavy, yet calm groove to it.

Sheenah Ko: I'd have to say Evidence of the Fall – I love the ambience and epic-ness of it all. Collapse is also one of my favourite songs to rock out to.

Marco: (to Sheenah) You play also with The Revolving Doors, a jam/improv. band; on your Myspace i saw some funny pics when you were dressed like ancient Roman, what happened that night?

Sheenah: Hahaha, I really should update my Myspace!! I have been so busy updating TRW's that I've forgotten about my own! I no longer play with the Revolving Doors as TRW has pretty much taken over all of my time and energy, though it was an excellent way to build up my keyboarding skills and learn to communicate musically with a group. Haha, toga's were just one our silly costumes... after playing every Sunday night, you have to spice things up!

The Rabid Whole at Myspace | official website | Synthetic Entertainment
Pictures come from The Rabid Whole archive, all copyrights reserved by (from the top to the bottom): © Derek Heisler, © Kiriako Iatridis
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