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The 88's - Addiction - song review
[Metal/rock] Addiction (2013) [Review]
Recommended movie - Junk Head
A robot living in the upper world (one with an access to see pretty blue sky) is dropped in a capsule to the bottom of the city. A hooded man with a spherical mirror head (remember Vidoq?) who lives at the top doesn't even know how deep the city is and who lives at the lowest levels. They only caught on a tape one of species which is supposed to be a rebelled 'clone' of a human. The capsule crashes and the robot breaks into pieces. His head falls into a pipe which drops it down into a corridor patrolled by a team of junk collectors.
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Recommended movie - Metropia
Metropia directed by Tarik Saleh and released in 2009 takes place in a not-so-distant but Dystopian future. The world in 2024 is running out of oil and the underground train systems have been connected into a gigantic subway network beneath Europe.
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Heatwave - a post-apocalyptic novel in progress
I've been writing Heatwave, a post-apocalyptic novel since 2010. I focused on environmental atmosphere (a detailed look at objects, locations, terrain, destruction etc.) and tasks rather than characters and their psychological turmoil usually related to survival issues. Click Extended news to read more. Chapters briefly.
Recommended movie - Elephants Dream
Elephants Dream (2011) tells the story of Emo and Proog. Emo, the younger of the two men happened to be thrown into a bizarre, mechanical, surreal world called The Machine. He is guided by Proog who seems to be living there. Proog is still aware of unexpected and surprising the world can create during just a few seconds. He tries to teach Emo how to perceive the beauty of the place which Emo still doesn't see or accept. This is not a movie to understand the plot but rather enjoy the world of unrestricted fantasy and imagination. Nothing is predictable in Elephants Dream. Original score & sound design was composed by Jan Morgenstern.
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Recommended movie - The Janitor
The Janitor (2007) is a dark and quite surreal sci-fi animated short film by Wolfram Gruss with Michael Noll's drawings. Janitor lives in a depressive townhouse, wakes up at 5 am every day, installs a 3 needle-like device into his hand then walks to work. Accidents happen when a routine takes place. One day he oversleeps the 411 alarm and when he wakes up, he breaks one of the needles which simply stops working. The Moon falls and crashes...
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Recommended movie - Unearthed
Unearthed (2010) is a short science fiction movie written and directed by Lindsay Harris and Stuart Leach. A feel of mystery is kept until the very end of the movie which brings a shocking surprise. Seemingly human-shaped and evidently English-speaking spacemen are searching for an alternative source of energy which their planet is already short of.
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Recommended movie - The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello
The Mysterious Explorations of Jasper Morello is an Australian short movie released in 2005. Visually dark yet stunning silhouette animation was developed by director Anthony Lucas and is inspired by the work of authors such as Edgar Alan Poe and Jules Verne. Oneiric world with a Dystopian city of Gothia dominated by steampunk-like machines is a heart of pollution and disease which kill its citizens.
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CalatrilloZ - Lords of Misery song review
[Neo-classical] Lords of Misery (2013) [Review]
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