From Inside (2008) tells a story of a young pregnant woman named Cee who after a nuclear disaster seemingly loses her husband and gets on a mysterious 'last chance' train. This, like an Ark lets people have a hope that they may arrive to a better place to survive the cataclysm. It passes abandoned, destroyed villages, hungry and sick people, starving animals, huge industrial constructions, derailed trains as well as tunnels and lots of open space. Fire mixes with blood and rain.
Most meaningful parts? They are all pretty disturbing. For some it may be a birth of her child and the final scene. For me, it was the moment when the train dragging several tracks and carrying hundreds of barely alive people (who mostly remained anonymous to Cee) crushed and burnt. Cee somehow survived with her child but she discovered a body of a man who had the same wedding ring on his left hand like she had which meant there might have been her husband in the crowd, now proved dead. The ring could have been stolen though. Yet there was another man on the train, with a face wrapped in a bandage who wore welding eyeglasses and who was helping her throughout the journey. At least until he was wounded in the crash and committed a suicide.
Murky, depressive, symbolic and thought-provoking. Includes gore images but expressed in an artistic way. Written, produced, animated and directed by John Bergin whom you may link also with an industrial band Trust Obey.
(Katarzyna 'NINa' Górnisiewicz. Not for a commercial use. See a Legal Note for the copyrights below)
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