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Marazene Machine [reviews]
MachiNation |Marazene, 2006|

1. Bete NoiRe, 2. InFidel SoCieTy, 3. XecuTe, 4. A Prayer for the PaTheTic/The BirTh of wRaTh, 5. giVe (SkumF***erz), 6. MachiNation, 7. MooGs LaMent, 8. UnCerTain, 9. AnTiThesis, 10. MonStroSity, 11. Self-WorTh, 12. (I) SeeThe, 13. sTay aWay, 14. AlterNative, 15. tHere is BeauTy...

Marazene is a new band formed in Chicago, a credle of industrial rock music. I paid attention to them at the first time I joined Myspace community while searching for new bands around that style of music. nIKK sKUM, DieTrich Thrall and Kristov decided to self promote their band and music what gave a way good results. The trio recommends us a trip towards very aggressive sounds labelled as metal-industrial. 15 songs included on MachiNation album submits a high production level of the release.

This album contains the song titled „XeCute”, which promotion is supported by a very cool video, and which made me decided to ask the band for that song to include in Fabryka Promo CD1. The permission was given ;) Pay attention also to the song „Uncertain” which should be appreciated by Korn and Primus fans because of kick ass bassline. On the other hand Atari Teenage Riot and Lords Of Acid listeners might not be disappointed as well thanks to almost hardcore electronics the song is full of. There are a few favourites of mine to mention "Bete Noire" which begins the album and where balanced level of metal tunes (thanx to guitar riffs) and industrial vibes happens. I like "Antithesis" as well because it sounds if one of Rage Against The Machine tracks was put into a distorted machine.

„Selfworth” probably gained a status of the cult Marazene's song and it is a very good rock track with a feedback of sampling and which could be appreciated by fans of Fear Factory. Similar to "Infidel Society" song. „Alternative” it's a typically built industrial-metal drive with aggressive vocals and electronic add-ons. There are a few strict industrial compositions on MachiNation, where "Moogs Lament", "Monstrosity" and "A Prayer for The Pathetic/The Birth of Wrath" should be mentioned at the first place.

The album ends up a non typical as for Marazene song, which somehow doesn't fit to the rest of the songs speaking personally... But of course it might be a very cool accent for all those listeners tired of immense level of noisy songs.
The album mastering and production is very well and I bet you won't be disappointed purchasing it. Marazene gives shows often so if you have a chance go to see them live to use some of their seemingly unlimited energy the band generates on the stage. Their image also could be appreciated by people who pay attention to the band image much more than their music, what telling the truth isn't so rare these days ;)

(Katarzyna 'NINa' Górnisiewicz. Must not be used for commercial or promotional purposes. See a Legal Note for the copyrights below)

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