BOL [reviews]
Updated by Draconina on 02/07/2008 23:34
Hate Breeds Hate |Gonzo!, 1995|

Helmet, Hate Breeds Hate, Animal Infallible, My Type, Porn, Keep It In Mind, Sulfur & Gasoline, Tension Upon Tension, Rocking Chair, It's Your Fault, Stillborn, Tension Upon Tension (Hate Dept. Mix)

Tougher type of industrial rock music. Turnes to Skinny Puppy ventures (My Type) but you can find any other comparisons. It's difficult to create something new even you have got the newest gears. A very interesting album, the tempo changes often and lots of things happens.( Katarzyna NINa Górnisiewicz. Must not be used for promotional or commercial purposes. See a Legal Note for the copyrights below)
