New download: Maximum Sexy Pigeon - Unfit For Human Consumption EP
Updated by Draconina on 09/14/2012 19:19
Maximum Sexy Pigeon, an Australian industrial metal band has just released their EP entitled Unfit For Human Consumption which includes 5 original songs. If you like old Ministry tunes, get it now before it's too late! (Read Extended news for the direct download link).
Read also: V/A Surge & Subside: Queensland Flood Appeal
Source: Facebook
Extended News
Maximum Sexy Pigeon, an Australian industrial metal band has just released their EP entitled Unfit For Human Consumption which includes 5 original songs. If you like old Ministry tunes, get it now before it's too late! Direct download from the band (zip file): EP
Read also: V/A Surge & Subside: Queensland Flood Appeal
Source: Facebook

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