[07/14/2011] A new interview with Adam Grossman and Ty Pickett (Skrew)
Updated by Draconina on 07/14/2011 12:35
Adam Grossman: I'm no guitar virtuoso so I don't need scalloped necks or extra strings or fancy handles or whatever else can come on a guitar. I just want a hammer to brutally smash the preconceived notions and outdated paradigms of the listener. I wanna fuck people up with noise. ;)

Ty Pickett: Right now the most difficult song to play in the setlist is "Burning In Water, Drowning in Flame" because it's usually the last. So that means we have to stop playing, and that sucks for someone that lives to perform. I can't speak for the rest of the band in many regards, but that is one truth we all share. We are seven motherfuckers that will pour every drop of life into our performances.
Read this new interview.

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Extended News
Adam Grossman: I'm no guitar virtuoso so I don't need scalloped necks or extra strings or fancy handles or whatever else can come on a guitar. I just want a hammer to brutally smash the preconceived notions and outdated paradigms of the listener. I wanna fuck people up with noise. ;)

Ty Pickett: Right now the most difficult song to play in the setlist is "Burning In Water, Drowning in Flame" because it's usually the last. So that means we have to stop playing, and that sucks for someone that lives to perform. I can't speak for the rest of the band in many regards, but that is one truth we all share. We are seven motherfuckers that will pour every drop of life into our performances.

Read this new interview.

Other news about Adam Grossman | Other articles about Skrew